Steve Vai at Ziggy's

Me playing EVO

Steve admiring the guitar my kids painted

Steve posing for the kids

Steve's pedal board at soundcheck

Steve and EVO at soundcheck

Tony MacAlpine at sound check

Steve's tech, Jeremy Colson, Steve, and some dude that worked stage monitors and did some logistical planning of some sort.  Here they are testing the stability of this ramp that was slapped together for Steve to get to the stage "extension" that was put there for him.

Jeremy Colson, Steve, and monitor dude checking levels.

Steve and EVO

Steve and Tony

Billy Sheehan

Steve finds the sweet spot

Hmm...what's knob do?

Four-way insanity

Billy getting into it

Still into it :)

How cool is that?

This was during our time before the show for the EVO Premium experience

My buddy Mike with EVO.  Note that I took a picture with his eyes open - unlike the picture he took of me :)

Mike with Steve and Mike's Steiny